When elderly parents or loved ones live alone, a lot of people can’t help but be concerned about their health and wellbeing.
For the 70 + age group, falls were considered the second biggest cause for emergency hospital admissions in 2014. Asserting their independence, sometimes aging adults may be prone to falls from accidents, unsuitable prescribed medication or from taking on too much during the day.
Being aware and proactive about the risks of your loved one having a fall is important to preventing falls before they happen.
To ensure that your loved ones or patients are taken good care of, especially when they live alone, we have identified a few things for you to check up on at doctor’s appointments after a fall.
1. Keeping an eye for new underlying illnesses.
Be open about any symptoms that you have noticed in your loved one, so that your doctor can diagnose any health problems that may be developing. If your loved one is being weakened by the health issue, they will be more prone to falls. These issues can include dehydration, heart problems and minor or major strokes.
2. Blood pressure that increases when standing.
This is especially important for aging adults who are taking blood pressure medications. Find the right dosage of medication is important to ensuring that your loved one is not regularly feeling dizzy or faint when standing.
3. Medications that increase the risk of falls.
Sometimes to mitigate the effects of other illnesses, doctors will prescribe medication that increases the likelihood of dizziness and falls. Medication prescribed for anxiety, sleeping, blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues may be in too high a dose, therefore it is important to watch any side effects and report them to your doctor for prescription adjustment.
4. Gait and balance.
It may be a good idea for your loved on to undergo physical therapy to strengthen their core and legs. Additionally, having the right assistive equipment such as walker frames and walking canes may be a reasonable solution for someone who is struggling to maintain balance. To keep your loved ones safe on their feet, Access Rehab provides a complete range of walking sticks and walkers. Aging adults can stay mobile for longer, with the right level of support for their abilities.
5. Home safety referrals.
We want your loved ones to live in their homes for as long as it is safe and reasonable. By installing handrails and relevant assistive aids around the house, aging adults can increase their mobility and ensure that every step around their home is a sure and steady one. By evaluating your loved one’s home and making these minor safety modifications, they will be better equipped to live independently in their family home and give you peace of mind that they are properly supported.
Falls are sometimes an unavoidable part of getting older, however being proactive about the possibility of a fall and putting safety measures in place will be essential to your loved one’s safety and wellbeing. For more information about the right assistive home equipment and mobility aids, you can talk with our staff to find a suitable support system for your loved one to keep mobile and maintain their independence.