Aspire Bed Pole with Adjustable Crook Handle


The Aspire Bed Pole with Adjustable Crook Handle is designed to offer support in assisting the user to balance while getting into and out of bed. Or while in bed to reposition/turn themselves.


  • Adjustable crook handle can be located in multiple positions
  • Base is positioned under the mattress
  • Suitable for all bed sizes
Product ID:B7011A

No specifications are currently available for this product

Discover the ultimate solution to ease your movements in and out of bed with our range of high-quality bed poles. Whether you’re looking for added support, assistance with sitting up, or simply enhancing your bedtime experience, our bed poles are designed to provide the perfect blend of convenience and comfort.

Our selection of bed poles includes bed sticks that slide under all mattresses, which work with all standard-type bed frames and bases. We also offer free-standing self help poles that can be used with any type of bed, allowing for the base and support handle to be positioned at any point on the bed, providing increased flexibility in how it is used.

Always consider are bed poles safe for your specific needs and check with a therapist or medical advisor if you are unsure, before purchasing a bed pole. 

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