Throne 3 in 1 Rail

Throne 3 in 1 Rail
Throne 3 in 1 Rail foldable arms
Throne 3 in 1 Rail

The Standard, Splayed and Fold Down Rail suits most people who are living independently, providing them with the necessary bilateral rail support for lowering onto and rising from the toilet. These rails have the distinct advantage of being close to where they are needed – not attached to the surrounding walls or floors! Tested to Australian Standards.


  • Toilet surround support with folding support arms
  • Securely fixes to the WC pan - suitable for close coupled or low level designs
  • The support arms can be folded into various positions, or individually removed altogether, increasing the flexibility of the installation for multiple users
  • Compatible with the Bio-Bidet range of electronic toilet seats, without the need to fit a toilet spacer
  • 120kg max load

W1069S/S - Stainless Steel Model
W1069PC - Powdered Coated Cream
W1069PW - Powdered Coated White

Product ID:W1069

No specifications are currently available for this product

When it comes to using the toilet, most people want to retain their independence for as long as possible. At ARE, we believe that everyone should have an easier time in the bathroom. That’s why we offer a variety of helpful toilet aids to enable you to have more independence in the toilet and to ensure you have as much privacy as possible.

We have toilet frames, raised toilet seats, toilet support rails, bed pans, and more to assist you with your toileting needs. A fixed toilet rail or drop down bathroom rail could make all the difference in your toileting routine. Explore our range and find the perfect toilet aids from the leading manufacturers, including Aspire, Etac, and Throne.

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